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760 Drink-Recipes in register R found

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Rote Bete Zitrus

red beet juice, orange juice, grapefruit juice, Tabasco, pepper, salt
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Rote Grete

orange juice, lemon juice, pineapple juice, grenadinesyrup, mineral water
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Rote Lady

Möhrensaft, lemon juice, Trinkjoghurt, honey
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Rote Marie

rum, orange juice, strawberry syrup, lime syrup
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Rote Milli

water, Hibiscustee, vanilla, apple juice, Dextropur plus
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Rote Renate

sour cherries, buttermilk, whipped cream
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Rote Sangria

lemone, orange, peach, banana, Äpfel, grape juice
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Rote Zora

raspberry, sugar, vanilla sugar, milk, orange juice, lemon juice, Himbeereis
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red beet, horseradish, onion, sugar, pepper, lemon juice, lemon juice, buttermilk
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Roter Apfel-Cocktail

Calvados, Campari Bitter, Vermouth
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Roter Ball

whipped cream, Himbeereis, lemon juice, mineral water
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Roter Champagner

strawberry, Champagner
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Roter Flügerl

Wodka-Rosso, Red Bull
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Roter Husar

Trinkjoghurt, haw jam, red beet juice, lemon juice
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Roter Mond

coconut liqueur, lemon juice, grenadinesyrup, mineral water
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Roter Rum Cooler

rum, cherry brandy, red wine, Falernum, soda water
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Roter Spion

wodka, coffee liqueur, Crème de Cassis, maracuja syrup, lemon juice, egg(s)
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Roter Stier

Campari Bitter, Vermouth, Crème de Bananes
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Rotes Feuer

tomato, onion, sugar, salt, pepper, Tabasco, cayennepepper
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egg(s), Himbeereis, raspberry syrup, soda water
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brandy, Bénédictine, Maraschino, Curaçao, Vouvroy
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Rotwein Cobbler

Cordial Médoc, red wine, Läuterzucker, lemon juice
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Rotwein Cup

Curaçao, Maraschino, Cordial Médoc, red wine, champagne, orange, lemone
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red wine, Arrak, tea, lump-sugar
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red wine, Läuterzucker
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red wine, rum, grenadinesyrup, powder sugar, Blutorangensaft
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Galliano, Gin, Crème de Violette, egg(s), orange blossom
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Roulette 1

Calvados, rum, Schwedenpunsch
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Route one-o-one

Tequila, Amaretto, Cointreau, apple juice
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RoWEX Special No.1

Vermouth, Kombucha

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