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General Information
- Category: Longdrink
- Occasion: Nachmittag
- Season: ganzjährig
- Flavor: fruchtig; halb süß
Ingredients (alcoholic)
- 3 cl Grand Marnier
- 2 cl Vodka - Eisberg
Ingredients (non-alcoholic)
- 1,5 cl Pfirsichsirup - Monin
- 8 cl Pfirsichsaft - Granini
- 6 cl Orangensaft - Granini
- 1/2 Orangenscheibe
- 1 Cocktailkirsche
- 1 Trinkhalm
- Preparation: Shaker
- Glass: Tumbler
- Hint: 3. Preis beim Grand Marnier Trophy 2001
Information about this drink mixer
- Name of the mixer: Claude Koch
- Country: Schweiz