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61 Drink-Recipes found

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Alexander 6

Armagnac, Crème de Cacao, cream
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Bacardi Hot Chocolate

rum, chocolate
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Baileys Coffee

Bailey's, coffee
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banana liqueur, Bananenmilch, Bananeneis
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banana, egg(s), milk, vanilla ice
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Black Forest

brandy, cherry liqueur, Crème de Cacao, cream
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Black Forest Cup

sour cherries, Kirscheis, milk, Kirschsirup, vanilla sugar
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Black Moon

Cognac, Crème de Bananes, coffee liqueur, Bailey's, Espresso
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Black Prince

almond syrup, coconut syrup, cream, coffee
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Blancart Blanc

Pastis, cream, almond syrup, orange juice, egg(s)
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Café d'amour

Cognac, sugar, coffee
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Coco Itaparica

coconut liqueur, banana liqueur, Amaretto, coconut, lime juice
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rum, cream, coconut syrup, banana syrup, banana juice, Kakaopulver, milk
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Cognac au Lait

Cognac, milk, Kakao, Zimtpulver, sugar
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Copenhagen 2

rum, chocolate rasp, lemon lemonade
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brandy, Crème de Bananes, Peachtree liqueur, cream
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Dom Pedro (South African)

Bailey's, Irish Whiskey, ice cream, cream
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Dream Crea

wodka, Peachtree liqueur, Galliano, cream, pineapple juice
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Duina´s Heaven

Bailey's, coconut syrup, chocolate
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Edelkirsch Choc-Kiss

cherry liqueur, chocolate syrup, cream
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Eiskaffee Ananas

Ananaseis, coffee, pineapple syrup
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Eiskaffee Cassis

Johannisbeereis, coffee, Johannisbeersirup
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Eiskaffee Himbeer

Himbeereis, coffee, raspberry syrup
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Eiskaffee Maracuja

Maracujaeis, coffee, maracuja syrup
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Eiskaffee Orange 1

Orangeneis, coffee
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Eiskaffee Pfirsich

Pfirsicheis, coffee, Pfirsichsirup
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Eiskaffee Strawberry

strawberry ice, coffee
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Amarula Cream, coffee
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grapefruit juice, yogurt, grenadinesyrup
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Grasshopper 2

Crème de Cacao, Crème de Menthe, cream

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