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Cocktail Quick Search:

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74 Drink-Recipes found

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orange juice, grape juice, pear juice, pineapple
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Kir Royal 5

Champagner, vodka, Johannisbeersirup, grape juice, orange juice, grape juice
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Kir Royal 5

Champagner, vodka, Johannisbeersirup, grape juice, orange juice, grape juice
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Knobelsdorffer Schloßtrunk

grape juice, apple juice, pistachio, raspberry, honey, apple
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tea, Tangerine, grapefruit juice, grape juice, sugar, Eiswürfel, Eiswürfel
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Milleniums Cooler

lemon juice, lime syrup, strawberry syrup, grape juice, mineral water
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apple juice, grape juice, lemon juice, orange juice, clove, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom seed
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Movie Lot

Gin, Schwedenpunsch, grape juice
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New Yorker 9

orange juice, Läuterzucker, grape juice, orange juice, Feige-Vodka
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Orangen-Bowle Elisabeth

orange, grape juice, orange juice, lemon juice, soda water, sugar
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grape juice, orange juice, Orangeade, lemon juice
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grape juice, orange juice, lemon juice, apple juice, cardamom seed, cloves, cinnamon stick, mace
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Pepper Eater

Curaçao, Tequila, grape juice, orange juice
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grape juice, grapefruit juice, lime juice, grenadinesyrup, bitter lemon
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Pink Panther Cocktail

rum, Crème de Bananes, Martini-Bitter, grape juice, lemon juice
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Pisco Punch 2

Pisco Brandy, Pernod, grape juice, pineapple juice
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Portwine, rum, lemon juice, Läuterzucker, grape juice, mineral water
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Purple Passion

wodka, grape juice
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Purple Rose

cherry liqueur, Prosecco, grape juice
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pineapple, peach, grape juice, apple juice, Ginger Ale, soda water
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wodka, Coffee Cream, Crème de Bananes, peppermint liqueur, lemon juice, grape juice
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Red Angel

lime juice (Concentrat), grape juice, bitter lemon
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Red Lion 5

Kirschsirup, lemon juice, grape juice, Tonic Water
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Regenbogen 1

Pisang Ambon, vodka, Curaçao, grape juice, grenadinesyrup, orange juice, Läuterzucker, orange juice, Beeren-Genever, vodka
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Rote Sangria

lemone, orange, peach, banana, Äpfel, grape juice
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Sangria 4

peach, orange, grape juice, peach juice, bitter orange, sugar
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orange, lemone, peach, grape juice, alkoholfreier Sekt
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grape juice, orange juice, grape juice
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grape juice, orange juice, grape juice
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Temperance Punch

grape juice, lemon juice, sugar, soda water

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