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55 Drink-Recipes found

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Red Bubble

rum, Curaçao, blackberry liqueur, cranberry juice, lime juice, lemon lemonade
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Red Snapper 4

wodka, Gin, Midori Liqueur, lime juice, cranberry juice, lemon lemonade, brandy
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Riviera 1

Galliano, wodka, Crème de Cassis, lime juice, cranberry juice
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Roman Candle

Campari Bitter, cranberry juice, lemon juice
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Ruby Rangoon

Gin, cranberry juice, Ginger Ale
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San Francisco Trolly

Bourbon Whiskey, pineapple juice, cranberry juice
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Gin, wodka, Bourbon Whiskey, Cointreau, Midori Liqueur, Jägermeister, pineapple juice, cranberry juice
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Scarlet O'Hara

Southern Comfort, cranberry juice, lime juice
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Scarlet O'Hara 3

Southern Comfort, cranberry juice, lime juice
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Scarlett O'Hara

Southern Comfort, cranberry juice, lime juice
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Scarlett O'Hara 3

Southern Comfort, lime juice, cranberry juice
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Scarlett O'Hara Punch

Southern Comfort, lime juice, cranberry juice
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Sex on the Beach 3

vodka, peach liqueur, pineapple juice, cranberry juice
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Sex on the Beach 5

wodka, Pfirsichsirup, cranberry juice, orange juice
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Shingle Stain

rum, Angostura Bitter, grenadinesyrup, pineapple juice, cranberry juice, lime juice
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wodka, Crème de Bananes, cranberry juice, lime juice, Läuterzucker, grenadinesyrup
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Sloe Cranberry Cooler

Gin, cranberry juice, lemon juice
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St. Louis Blizzard

Bourbon Whiskey, cranberry juice, lemon juice, Läuterzucker
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cranberry juice, Red Bull, banana syrup, lemon syrup, mineral water
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Stirrup Cup

Southern Comfort, cranberry juice, lemon juice, grapefruit juice, soda water
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Surf Rider

rum, apple juice, cranberry juice, lemon juice
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Tampico 2

Tequila, Galliano, cranberry juice, pineapple juice
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Thanksgiving Punch

rum, apple juice, cranberry juice, lemon juice
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rum, lime juice, maracuja juice, pineapple juice, cranberry juice
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Wild Thing

raspberry brandy, Bourbon Whiskey, cranberry juice, lime juice, Läuterzucker

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