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Pruneaux á l'Armagnac

In Armagnac eingelegte Pflaumen

Pruneaux d'Agen

Die beste und bekannteste Pflaumensorte, die in Armagnac eingelegt wied


Französischer Name für Schlehe und daraus hergestellte Produkte. Beispiele: Eau-de-vie de Prunelle Sauvage und der Schlehenlikör Prunelle de Bourgogne.

Punt e Mes

The history of Punt e Mes dates back to the year of 1870: The House Carpano, founded in 1786, was the first producer of Vermouth. Carpano ran a liqueur-pub at the Piazza Castello, close to Turin's stock exchange, where bankmen and brokers usually had a drink and went on with their businesses while having a glass of Vermouth. Out of the voices-noise, the barman heard now and then the words "Punt e mes", which meant the rise of the stock exchange courses for anothner half a point. When Carpano introduced another product to the market, which was a vermouth, being a bit more acid than the other offered "Classico", it was decided to use the common stock exchange expression as the new name. Alcohol content: 16.5 %.

Punt e Mes - Italia

This Bitter-Aperitif is made of wines and different herbs and extracts of the warmood herb. Its colour is brown, 20 Vol.-%. Product of the family Carpano, Turin.


Von H.C. König in Steinhagen wird der Puschkin, eine der bekanntesten deutschen Wodka-Marken, hergestellt. Puschkin ist mild und weich. Alkohol: 40 Prozent.

Pusser's Rum

Siehe British Navy Pusser's Rum.

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