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The company L. Herout in Krems/ Austria is a associated company of the House Bailone. Bailonis Speciality: Marillen-Schnapps. The Marille (Austrian Apricot) belongs to the most valuable fruits used to produce fruit distillates and liqueur production. Herouot produces the Marillen-Blend "Wachau-whispering" (30 %).

Waldmeister/ Woodruff

It is a wildy growing foliage plant containing bitter principles and tannic acid and cumarin. It is used to create waldmeister - claret cup. Other word for it: common (greater) celandine.

Walker's de Luxe

Walker's de Luxe is an eight years old Straight Bourbon Whiskey from the Distillery Hiram Walker & Sons Inc (main product: Canadian Club), founded in Canada in 1858. It is produced in Peoria/Illinois, which is one of the biggest distilleries in the world. Alcohol content: 40 %.

Whisky - Whiskey

Whisky is a grain-brandy with a typical smoky taste. Its home is Scotland. Until today, some of the most famous whiskies in the world come from Scotland. Scotch Whisky is distilled from barley malt, which kilned above peat fire. Whiskey comes from Ireland, Bourbon from America, which is made from corn. Following categories describe distillation-history and tradition for the most important whisky-countries in the world.

Whisky of other countries

Whisky is produced in many countries besides the one mentioned here. The biggest producers amongst these countries are Japan and Australia. Japanese Whisky is produced according to the Scottish example. But it does not reach the high quality of the Scottish whisky; and is therefore only important in Asian areas. In Australia, which was settled by English and Scottish people, the whisky-production started in the 20's of the century. But the home-production could not compete with Scottish products. Other countries, being whisky-producers, are hardly important. Sometimes, the whisky is produced through blending Scottish malt and home-made alcohol. Partly, cheap aroma- and raw products are used too. These "Whiskies" have nothing in common with the original product but the name.

White Horse

The Scotch Whisky White Horse got its name from an Inn in Edinburgh and dates back to 1742. The "White Horse Inn" was named after a white horse, on which Queen Mary passed by the Inn. The history of the White Horse Distillery started on the Islay Island around 1742. Those days, it was distilled in ten small buildings, so-called "Bothies" in secret and far situated places to avoid tax officers. The Island and its difficult access was a perfect place for these secret activities. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Graham-Family took over the small distillery and around 1850, John Cogan Mackie became partner of Captain Graham. Their distillery, which was known as "Lagavulin" (Gaelic meaning of "hole in the mill"), was renovated, expanded and improved essentially. When John Mackie retired from the business in 1890, his nephew Peter Mackie took over the management of the company. He was educated as a distiller in Lagavulin, and the company became successful under his management. He was the one, who had the idea of White Horse. Peter Mackie built up a wide-spreading export business and was also involved in the grant of a law, which prescribes a three-years storage time for whisky. In 1924, Peter Mackie died, two years before the great success of White Horse: the introduction of the screw-top. Consequence of the new sensation was the duplication of White Horse sales in England within six months. In 1927, White Horse joined DCL, becoming one of the big five of the company. Today, White Horse produces besides its own whisky, the 12 Year Old Logan de Luxe, the Single Malt Lagavulin and the Pure Highland Malt Glen Elgin. Exported to Germany are: the standard product White Horse Fine Old Scotch Whisky (40 %), 12 Year Old Logan de Luxe Scotch Whisky (40 %) and Glen Elgim Pure Highland Malt Scotch Whisky 12 Years (43 %).

Whyte & Mackay

In 1844, the Scottish James Whyte and Charles Mackay started their whisky-company in Glasgow. Reason for their success was their "Blend-Formula": It blended 35 Highland Malts (including Islay Malts) with selected grain whiskies. The amount of malt was very high. This blend whisky became known as Whyte & Mackay Special. In 1972, the company was taken over by the Scottish and Universal Investment Trust. This Group owned malt-distilleries itself, including the famous Dalmore-Distillery. In 1979, this Group merged with Multi Lonrho / London. Whyte & Mackay is known as being one of the finest and smoothest Blended Scotch Whiskies by experts world wide, therefore it is a top-product on the Scottish market. The secret of success: The whiskies of Whyte & Mackay are still produced according to original blending methods today, probably being one of the last ones. One of the method is the "Double Marriage", a two times blending, which was improved from the Whyte & Mackay blend masters over the decades. Usually ripe-stored malt whiskies are "wedding" each other, and are stored in barrels for another six years afterwards. Then they are blended with grain whiskies and is followed by the bottling-process immedately. But Whyte & Mackay, like in the old good times, the blended whisky is transported back to its old barrels, where it can mix each other while being stored for some time. After this time period, it is bottled and not earlier. This is a method, which adds a lot to the smooth and round taste. Exported from Whyte & Mackay to Germany are: Special (40 %), de-Luxe 12 Years Old (40 %) and Blended Scotch Whisky 21 Years Old (43 %).


William is the description for all world-known fruit distillates and liqueurs made from the William's pear (Poire William). Originally it was only a product from the Swiss Rhône-valley, but today, William's pear distillate is also produced in Alsace, in the south western part of Germany and South-Tyrol. More than 10 kilograms of fruit are needed to produce one litre spirit of this fruit-spirit made from fermented fruit spirits, which opens the typical aroma of the totally ripe William's pear. Swiss products are allowed to have an addition of sugar, but not German products or any product imported into Germany, there sugar-additions are not allowed. Sometimes William's pear distillate is also available with a pear grown inside of the bottle. Minimum alcohol content: 40 %.

Williams & Humbert

The history of the company Williams and Humbert Ltd. Jerez/ London dates back to 1877. Those days, Alexunder Williams founded a Sherry-company together with his brother in law, Arthur Humbert. The company is still in the family's possession. Exported from Williams in former times, this wrap was moisturised to cool the product inside. The dry, light yellow "Pando" was originally bottled for the shipping company "Peninsular and Orient-Line" (short P and O). The ripe and fruity "Canasta Cream" got its name from the wine-harvest basket used by the south-Spanish people.

Williams Christbirnenbrand

Diese Bezeichnung dürfen nur Destillate tragen, die aussschließlich aus der Williams Christbirne erzeugt werden

Williams Christpear

It is green with red patches, fully ripe it is yellow with red flesh, smaller kind of fruit and basis for the Williams-Christpear-Spirits.

Windsor Supreme

Der Canadian Whisky Windsor Supreme von der Windsor Distillery Ltd. in Calgary zählt zu den erfolgreichsten Canadian-Whisky-Marken der letzten Jahre in den USA. Windsor Supreme wird aus Weizen aller kanadischen Provinzen gebrannt. Durch das Blending der durch das Klima zwischen Pazifik- und Atlantikküste grundverschiedenen Destillate erhält der Windsor Supreme seinen besonders weichen, trotzdem aber kernigen Geschmack. Alkohol: 43 Prozent.

Windsore Supreme

The Canadian Whisky Windsor Supreme from the Windsor Distillery Ltd. In Calgary belongs to the most successful Canadian Whisky Products of the last years in the USA. Windsor Supreme is distilled from wheat of all Canadian provinces. It gets its especially smooth, but still fresh taste by blending distillates, which are totally different because of the climate differences of the Pacific and Atlantic Coasts. Alcohol content: 43 %.

Winkelmann Boonekamp

Dieser Boonekamp wird seit 1881 von der Firma Winkelmann in Steinhagen hergestellt. Alkohol: 45 Prozent.


Das russische Nationalgetränk Wodka (deutsch = Wässerchen) hat seinen Ursprung in Polen. Dort bezeichnete das Wort ursprünglich verschiedene, als Heilmittel geltende Wässer. Der genaue Zeitpunkt der ersten alkoholischen Destillation liegt im dunkeln. Sicher ist aber, daß ihr Holzbedarf einen empfindlichen Mangel an Brennholz für die Bevölkerung in den Städten verursachte. Früher kannte man Wodka außerhalb von Rußland und Polen kaum. Erst nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg begannen russische Emigranten mit einer noch relativ kleinen Wodkaproduktion außerhalb ihrer alten Heimat. Herstellung und Vertrieb beschränkten sich anfangs in Deuitschland hauptsächlich auf Berlin. Das Wodkazeitalter begann für die westliche Welt erst in den letzten zwanzig Jahren. In den USA, dem klassischen Land der Mixgetränke, ersetzte der Wodka immer öfter den Gin, daa sich die russischen Spirituose den amerikanischen Trinksitten besser anpaßte. Die deutschen Bestimmungen besagen, daß der Branntwein Wodka aus Alkohol und/oder Korndestillat nach besonderen Verfahren und/oder mit geringen Zusätzen hrzustellen ist. Besondere Verfahren oder Zusätze müssen die charakteristischen Merkmale des Wodkas zur Geltung bringen, vor allem die Weichheit des Geschmacks. Mit den besonderen Verfahren sind die Techniken der Filterung gemeint. Unter den verschiedenen Möglichkeiten wird meist der Holzkohle-Filtrierung der Vorzug gegeben. Als Rohstoffe werden bei der Wodkaherstellung hauptsächlich Gerste, Roggen, Weizen oder Kartoffeln verwendet. Die Auswahl der Rohstoffe hat jedoch kaum Bedeutung, da sich beim mehrmaligen Brennen und Rektifizieren (= mehrfach aufeinanderfolgende Destillation) fast alle Geschmacksstoffe verlieren. Bei Wodka will man, im Gegensatz zu anderen Spirituosen ein reines, weiches neutralschmeckendes Produkt. Wodka wird, wenn überhaupt, in Glas- oder Steinbehältern gelagert. Für deutsche Produkte ist keine Lagerzeit vorgeschrieben. Im letzten Arbeitsgang vor dem Abfüllen wird Wodka mit Wasser auf Trinkstärke herabgesetzt. Sie beträgt in Deutschland mindestens 40 Prozent. Es werden aber auch alkoholstärkere Wodkas angeboten. Wodka wird, außer in den traditionellen Ländern Polen und Rußland, in Finnland, Deutschland, Italien, England, Frankreich, Kanada und in großem Umfang in den USA produziert. Außer den klaren, neutralen Wodkas werden auch aromatisierte Sorten hergestellt. Am bekanntesten ist den Zubrowka, ein gelblicher Wodka, der in Polen durch die Zugabe des cumarinhaltigen Büffelgrashalmes, in Rußland durch einen Büffelgrasauszug aromatisiert wird. Der Name Zubrowka (Zubrovka) ist abgeleitet von "Zubr", dem polnischen Wort für Wildrind (Bison, Wisent). In Deutschland werden auch niedrig-alkoholische, mit Mandarine, Lemon, Grapefruit, Apfel etc. versetzte Wodkas angeboten.


The oldest fruit distillery of the Black Forrest is the House Haas & Bulacher in Wolfach. It was founded in 1785, its products are the most excellent Wolfach's Noble Distillates. Available are: Raspberry Spirit (40 %), Authentic Black Forrest Cherry Water with Vintage (50 %), William's Pear Distillate (40 %), Zetschgen Water (40 %), Black Forrest Plum Water with Vintage (50 %) and a Black Forrest Noble Cherry Liqueur (28 %).


Is another word for bilberry.


Is another word for Japanese Medlar.


It is a spice sauce originally coming from England. The indian recipe contains soyasauce, vinegar, molasses/ balm, chilli and tropical fruits and spice, dark brown colour, e.g. used in Bloddy Mary and Virgin Mary.


Würze bei der Whisk(e)yerzeugung, die im Maischbottich entsteht, wenn man das gemälzte Getreide mit heißem Wasser vermengt

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