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Ye Auld Toun

Ye Auld Toun is a 12 Years Old de-Luxe Blended Scotch Whisky with a high amount of malt. Ye Auld Toun comes from old-English and means "The old town". Meant is Scottish Edinburgh. Alcohol content: 40 %.

Ye Whisky of Ye Monks

Ye whisky of Ye Monks is a Blended Whisky distilled from the Donald Fisher Ltd. In Edinburgh. It is filled up into stone-pots. Alcohol content: 43 %.


Yellowstone was one of the first whiskeys distilled in Kentucky in 1836. It was only distilled for the home-needs, but nevertheless it got famous soon throughout Kentucky. In 1885, a bigger distillery was built in the small place of Gethsemane. When in 1872, the nature-wonders of the Yellowstone Country were declared to be a National Park, the famous Bourbon Whiskey got its name. Alcohol content: 43 %.

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