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On Cognac-Labels.


Is another word for Grapefruit.


Papaya is a fruit coming from tropical areas. It is just eatable if it is really ripe. The skin is greenish yellow and with little patches. The taste of the flesh is similar to the one of Marillen, Austrian Apricots, or raspberrys, with a colour of orange and yellow. There is a stone of the size of a peepercorn inside of the fruit that is inedible. It is rich in vitain C and is mostly growing in Mexico, Israel and Hawaii and Caribic. It might be used for decoration or fruit juice or papaya nectar or papaya syrup. Known products: Donath Papaya-fruitdrink, other words for it: Treemelon, Pawpaw


Is another word for Grapefruit.


The fruit is of the size of an apple coming from different kinds of the passionflower, that is growing in Southamerica, The skin is golden orange or browny, the pulp is greyish green, sweet and sour and aromatic. It is also rich in vitamins. Notice that it is ripe when the skin starts to get wrinkled. It is used for decoration as well as for syrup, but mainly to produce fruit juice (Granadilla). You can also get it stewed in Germany. Known products: Riemerschmid Maracuja (syrup) and Donath Maracuja - fruit drink.


Is another word for Papaya


This is stone fruit of the peach tree coming from Asia. Sweet and juicy pulp, mainly white but sometimes yellow, as well or green, red. Used as fresh juice and nectar. Fresh fruit is used for claret cups/ punch, as well. You can also get it stewed in cans. German Pfirsich, french Pêaches, Pinaplle Guava. Also other word for Feijoa.


This is a spice-bitter with a very strong flavour of peach. 30 or 38 Vol.-%. It is a bitter liqueur after the law and never has to been consumed purely. Known product: Riemerschmid Peach-bitter.

Pearl Onion

It is a small, peeled onion called Silbercharlotte, in jars, often used for decoration or sundries, eg used to create Gibson.


They are fruits of the pear tree with a caracteristical fruity aroma. This pomaceous fruit can be easily bruised and does not last very long. It is often used as fruit juice, syrup and nectar, you can also get it stewed in a can. German Birne, French Poires.


Französischer Name für Pfirsich und daraus hergestellte Produkte. Beispiele: Eau-de-vie de Pèche und der weltbekannte Pfirsichlikör Peach Brandy.


It is the fruit of the pepper bush, growing in India. Black pepper is made of the green, unripe, unpeeled and dried fruits of the bush; white pepper is made of the red, ripe, peeled and dried fruits. Smell and taste are based on ethereal oils and on the (Alkaloid) piperin. Often used to spice up Pick-me-ups.


Peppermint is wild mint with a spicy strong smell, burning hot in the beginning but turning to a cooling taste later on. Used like mint itself.

Père Magloire

Im Jahre 1844 gründeten die Brüder Debrise eine Firma zur Herstellung von Spirituosen. Unter anderem produzierte man auch einen Calvados. 1925 überlegte die Firmenleitung, wie dieser Calvados zu präsentieren sei, damit er sich beim Käufer als eigenständige Marke einprägen könne. Man nannte ihn Père Magloire - ein typisch normannischer Name - und bildete auf der Flasche eine Figur in normannischer Tracht ab. Einege Jahre später wurde aus der Firma Debrise das Unternehmen Debrise-Dulac & Cie., bis heute Inhaber von Père Magloire, der seit 1960 nach Deutschland exportiert wird. Die Père-Magloire-Abfüllungen haben als Marken-Symbol den Kopf eines normannischen Bauern auf der Flasche und sind original in Pont L'Eveque - im Herzen der Calvados-Region - abgefüllt. Im deutschen Angebot: Père Magloire*** Fine Calvados Appellation Réglementée und Père Magloire Grande Fine Calvados V.S.O.P. Grand Cru du Pays d'Auge. Alkohol beider Sorten: 40 Prozent.


This is a fruit of the pineapple plant with a weight of around 0,5 till 4 kg. Originally it grew in Paraguay, but today it grows in many tropical and subtropical countries. The pulp is yellow, the flavour is slightly sour and aromatic, the fresh pineapple is used for decoration and juice, you can also get it stewed in cans, known products are: Riemerschmid Pineapple (fruit syrup), German Ananas, French Anannas, spanish Pina.

Pineau des Charentes

More than 300 years ago, when the distillation started in the region of Cognac, a wine grower filled up fresh pressed grape juice in an barrel, which he thought was empty. But there was a left over of cognac in the barrel, which stopped the fermentation of the cider. Instead it cleaned up the cider. When the wine grower opened the barrel after a few months, the content had changed surprisingly. 'The barrel now contained a fruity, fresh liqueur-wine, made from the merge of the taste of ripe grapes and the aroma of old cognac. By accident, he had produced a new drink, believing the story. The drink was called Pineau des Charentes. Pineau des Charentes is a liqueur-wine having the Appellation Controlee (controlled origin description) depending on the type of grapes used it is either White or Rosé. Therefore it has to be produced after strict prescriptions, like other French quality-wines. The prescriptions regulate the region of production, allowed types of vine, maximum harvest per hectare, minimum alcohol content and wine-production procedure. The first prescriptions for Pineau des Charentes were set in 1935, they have been changed for the last time in 1972, by regulating them even stricter. Pineau des Charentes is only allowed to be produced from fresh grape juice of certain types of vine coming from a Cognac-region prescribed by law and from Cognac and while the vine harvest is still going on. The use of preserved, concentrated, filtrated or sulphured cider is prohibited. The juice has to be pressed from well-ripened grapes. Furthermore the juice should have a natural sugar content of at least 170 grams per litre and a potential alcohol content of at least 10 %. The grapes are only pressed slightly, the pressed amount should not be above 40 hectolitres per hectare using white grapes or above 50 hectolitres per hectare using red grapes. The fermentation of the cider is stopped by adding cognac, which is at least 16 up to 20 % the most for the liqueur wine. Cognac and cider have to come from the same wine grower or same society. Often the mixture is stirred shortly in the first week and mainly while winter time, to make sure that grape juice and cognac merge. All of this takes place in the oak barrels, where the wine has to be stored for at least 12 months. Before Pineau des Charentes is sold on the market, it has to be analysed in a laboratory and a taste-controlling takes place.


Aus Zuckerrohr wird Aguardente de Cana, der Nationalschnaps Brasiliens, destilliert. Pitú ist einer der größten Hersteller von Zuckerrohrschnaps, 50 Millionen Flaschen verlassen jährlich das Werk in Vitoria de Santa Antao. Pitú wird in Fässern importiert und in Deutschland auf Flaschen gefüllt. Charakteristisch: der Krebs auf den Flaschenetiketten ("Pitú"). Alkohol: 41 Prozent.


Englische Kurzbezeichnung für Plymouth Gin

Plym Gin

Das italienische Haus Stock wollte 1965 sein Sortiment um einen international bekannten Gine erweitern. Das Stammhaus in Triest entschied sich für einen Vertrag mit der Coates & Co. in Plymouth. Laut Abkommen wird der Plym Gin unter Kontrolle des englischen Hauses produziert, dessen Erfahrung mit der Gin-Produktion bis in das Jahr 1793 zurückreicht. Aus Plymouth-Gin wurde die Kurzfassung "Plym Gin" auf dem Etikett. Die Rezeptur entspricht jedoch dem Original des englischen Hauses. Alkohol: 40 Prozent.

Pol Roger

Pol Roger in Epernay steht in der Geschichte der renommierten Champagner-Häuser auf einem besonderen Platz.Bereits zwei Jahrzehnte nach der Gründung des Hauses durch Pol Roger - er war damals erst 18 Jahre alt - war sein Champagner ein Begriff. Nach dem Tode des Vaters übernehmen Maurice und Georges Pol Roger die Firma. Drei Monate später, im März 1900, brechen große Teile der Roger-Keller zusammen und begraben 500 Fässer und 1,5 Millionen Flaschen unter sich. Trotz der vielen Arbeit des Neubeginns finden beide Brüder Zeit, sich um öffentliche Belange zu kümmern. Maurice Pol Roger zum Beispiel wird Bürgermeister von Epernay, 1919 Ritter der Ehrenlegion und 1950 Offizier der Ehrenlegion. Er stirbt 1959, zwei Wochen vor seinem 90. Geburtstag. Pol Roger ist bis heute ein traditionsbewußtes Familienunternehmen. Die Champagner von Pol Roger: Extra Cuvée de Réserve - Sec, Extra Cuvée de Réserve - Brut, Extra Cuvée de Réserve - Brut Vintage, Rosé - Vintage, Blanc de Blancs Chardonnay - Vintage, Réserve Speciale Vintage.

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