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It is a seedless dry berry of the sultana-cluster, very sweet and fruity, coming mainly from the turk and especially used for decoration.

Sundries, Snacks and small meals

It is common in Europe to have snacks and meals in a bar as well. The separation of Bar and Restaurant is much stricter in America. Depending on the type of bar, different lavish meals are available. American bars offer Sundries (nibble biscuits) and Canapés (mouth-bites). Usually it is offered free of charge. Besides there is also a small menu-card of selected meals. In a hotel- or restaurant's bar, bigger and more lavish meals are served (for example: Shrimpscocktial, lobster-, fish- and chicken cocktails as well as many other special soups), because here the barman has the opportunity to get it from the kitchen. The list of possible sundries varies from olives, pearl-onions to nuts and savoury biscuits. Green Olives filled with almonds, pepper, garlic and black olives are placed in small glass- or ceramic bowls on the bar-table or other tables being speared on a stick. Some water is out on top of it, so it will not dry out. Preferred kinds of nuts in the bar are salted and unsalted pistaches, which are also called green almonds. Furthermore, roasted, salted Pinien-seeds (Pignolias), almonds and shell almonds are offered. Peanuts, also called Bissao- or Kamerunnuts, hazelnuts, Cashewnuts as well as roasted noble chestnuts (Maroni) and Paranuts (also known as Juvianuts or Brazil chestnuts) are available too. Usually salt-sticks and salt pretzel, potato chips and sticks as well as crackers, Parmesan sticks, Panini and Chicharrones (pork skin backed in oil) are offered to be appetizinmg. Canapés are served with most different delicatesses. The list varies from caviare, Keta-caviare to salmon and pies, soups and galatins. Chees, ham and different spread are also liked to be used. Preferred ham is Westfalians, Parma- and salmon ham, preferred spreads are salmon-, liver-, cheese- as well as mustard-, anchovy- and herbal butter spread. Furthermore, very popular are goose liver paste, wild pies, pies from fish, ham and veal. Besides these cold Canapés, warm spice-sundries are also available. Backed toast, Chipolata (small sausages from prok), Walsh rarebit (roasted wheat-bread backed with a mixture of chees and beer), Scoth woodcock (roasted wheat-bread slices served with scrambled eggs and anchovy filets), Biroschke (cream puff paste rolls filled with meat and fish) as well as smoked oysters in bacon. Sheels and chicken-liver in bacon also belong to theis category.


Unter dieser Bezeichnug kennt man in Frankreich Produkte, die aus oder mit Holunder hergestellt werden. Beispiel: Eau-de-vie de Sureau.


Der Suze à la Gentiane kommt aus Frankreich, er ist ein leichter, gelblicher Bitter-Aperitif und wird aus Enzianwurzeln hergestellt. Alkohol: 16 Prozent.

Suze - France

This aperitif finished product is made of yellow gentian roots and spice. Its colour is golden yellow, 16 Vol.-%. (!There is also an Enzianliqueur with the same name, but with 30 Vol.-%.) Product of the Family Suze, belonging to the Pernod-Richard-Group.

Sweet Mash

Bei der Bourbon-Whiskey-Herstellung bedeutet Sweet Mash, daß die Gärhefe jedes mal aus frischen Stämmen direkt in der Mash, der Würze, gezüchtet wird.


Syrup is used at the bar to sweeten, to improve the taste or to get beautiful colours. Most common is the simple sugar-syrup (Laeutersugar), which can be made by yourself. Rock-Candy-Syrup (from candis sugar ) and syrup from sugar cane from the Karitoch-Island are often used in the USA. Syrups are concentrated, thick-liquid solutions from water, sugar in fruit juices or extrats of plants. Raspberry syrup, which was often used in former years to mix it., is mainly replaced through grenadine-syrup today. Grenadine-syrup, made from sugar and granat-apple-juice (sometimes by using additional fruit extracts), was convincing because of its beautiful colour. Almond syrup Oregat or almond extracts are often used for mixing in the USA and Canada. The Candadian marple syrup is also very populart, but in Germany hardly available. Further syrups common in the bar are: orange, lemon (lemon squash), anise, cherry, currant, strawberry, waldmeister and sanddorn. The last two mentioned, very nice cocktials can be mixed from. Relatively new offers are syrups from maracuja, mango and banana, which are perfect for mixing.

Szilva Pálinka

Dieser original ungarische Slivovitz wird aus Pflaumen des Obstparadieses Kecskemét hergestellt. Er wird doppelt gebrannt und kommt erst nach langer Lagerung in den Handel. Alkohol: 40 Prozent.

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